Money, Banking, & Finance (22,521)
Interest Rates (2,040)
Exchange Rates (277)
Monetary Data (2,211)
Financial Indicators (3,088)
Banking (9,832)
Business Lending (5,064)
Foreign Exchange Intervention (21)
Population, Employment, & Labor Markets (99,782)
Current Population Survey (Household Survey) (8,612)
Current Employment Statistics (Establishment Survey) (882)
ADP Employment (186)
Education (12,890)
Income Distribution (756)
Job Openings and Labor Turnover (JOLTS) (493)
Labor Market Conditions (1,421)
Population (26,327)
Productivity & Costs (45,519)
Minimum Wage (51)
Weekly Initial Claims (31)
Tax Data (2,611)
National Accounts (170,794)
National Income & Product Accounts (39,340)
Federal Government Debt (47)
Flow of Funds (130,475)
U.S. Trade & International Transactions (924)
Production & Business Activity (186,449)
Business Cycle Expansions & Contractions (297)
Business Surveys (20)
Construction (288)
Emissions (84)
Expenditures (19,081)
Finance Companies (221)
Health Insurance (10)
Housing (133,745)
Industrial Production & Capacity Utilization (9,792)
Manufacturing (1,630)
Patents (4,708)
Retail Trade (449)
Services (11,360)
Technology (8)
Transportation (108)
Wholesale Trade (246)
Prices (26,449)
Commodities (3,668)
Consumer Price Indexes (CPI and PCE) (1,218)
Cryptocurrencies (6)
Employment Cost Index (428)
Health Care Indexes (113)
House Price Indexes (835)
Producer Price Indexes (PPI) (17,862)
Trade Indexes (2,261)
International Data (342,677)
Countries (316,839)
Geography (307)
Indicators (248,733)
Institutions (18,252)
U.S. Regional Data (973,319)
States (949,798)
Census Regions (3,049)
BEA Regions (10,277)
BLS Regions (5,802)
Federal Reserve Districts (4,293)
Freddie Mac Regions (100)
Academic Data (21,837)
Banking and Monetary Statistics, 1914-1941 (2,057)
Daily Federal Funds Rate, 1928-54 (4)
Data on the nominal term structure model from Kim and Wright (40)
Historical Federal Reserve Data (124)
NBER Macrohistory Database (3,046)
Penn World Table 7.1 (5,890)
Penn World Table 9.0 (9,476)
Recession Probabilities (10)
Weekly U.S. and State Bond Prices, 1855-1865 (1)
Economic Policy Uncertainty (988)
Sticky Wages and Comovement (21)
A Millennium of Macroeconomic Data for the UK (133)
New England Textile Industry, 1815-1860 (26)
The Effects of the 1930s HOLC "Redlining" Maps (20)