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Archival FRED

Economic Data Time Travel from the St. Louis Fed's Economic Research Division.

ALFRED® allows you to retrieve vintage versions of economic data that were available on specific dates in history. In general, economic data for past observation periods are revised as more accurate estimates become available. As a result, previous vintages of data can be superseded and may no longer be available from various data sources. Vintage or real time economic data allows academics to reproduce others' research, build more accurate forecasting models, and analyze economic policy decisions using the data available at the time. For more information, read the help page and the presentation ALFRED: Capturing data as it happens.

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Currently, vintage data are available for more than 730,000 series in 9 categories:

The earliest vintage available is 1927-01-26 for series Industrial Production Index.

Release Calendar

Tuesday October 22, 2024 Updated
1:00 am Euro Short Term Rate
7:00 am SOFR Averages and Index Data
Secured Overnight Financing Rate Data
7:30 am Nonmanufacturing Business Outlook Survey
8:00 am Federal Funds Data
Overnight Bank Funding Rate Data
9:00 am Labor Force Participation by State
Chicago Fed Survey of Economic Conditions
State and Metro Area Employment, Hours, and Earnings
State Employment and Unemployment
10:15 am Moody's Daily Corporate Bond Yield Averages
12:00 pm H.6 Money Stock Measures
Commercial Paper
3:15 pm H.15 Selected Interest Rates
3:30 pm Interest Rate on Reserve Balances
7:00 pm Coinbase Cryptocurrencies
N/A Job Postings on Indeed
Economic Policy Uncertainty
Daily Treasury Inflation-Indexed Securities
ICE BofA Indices
Interest Rate Spreads
Recession Indicators Series
CBOE Market Statistics
Temporary Open Market Operations
Optimal Blue Mortgage Market Indices
More Releases ...

Note that release dates are published by data sources and do not necessarily represent when data will be available on this website.