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Private Credit by Deposit Money Banks to GDP for Austria (DDDI01ATA156NWDB)


2021: 93.56884 (+ more)  Updated: May 7, 2024 3:34 PM CDT
2021:  93.56884  
2020:  92.96902  
2019:  85.56548  
2018:  84.03057  
2017:  83.73925  


Not Seasonally Adjusted


1Y | 5Y | 10Y | Max
(a) Private Credit by Deposit Money Banks to GDP for Austria, Percent, Not Seasonally Adjusted (DDDI01ATA156NWDB)
The financial resources provided to the private sector by domestic money banks as a share of GDP. Domestic money banks comprise commercial banks and other financial institutions that accept transferable deposits, such as demand deposits. Private credit by deposit money banks and other financial institutions to GDP, calculated using the following deflation method: {(0.5)*[Ft/P_et + Ft-1/P_et-1]}/[GDPt/P_at] where F is credit to the private sector, P_e is end-of period CPI, and P_a is average annual CPI. Raw data are from the electronic version of the IMF's International Financial Statistics. Private credit by deposit money banks (IFS line 22d and FOSAOP); GDP in local currency (IFS line NGDP); end-of period CPI (IFS line PCPI); and average annual CPI is calculated using the monthly CPI values (IFS line PCPI). (International Monetary Fund, International Financial Statistics, and World Bank GDP estimates) Source Code: GFDD.DI.01

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    For example, invert an exchange rate by using formula 1/a, where “a” refers to the first FRED data series added to this line. Or calculate the spread between 2 interest rates, a and b, by using the formula a - b.

    Use the assigned data series variables (a, b, c, etc.) together with operators (+, -, *, /, ^, etc.), parentheses and constants (1, 1.5, 2, etc.) to create your own formula (e.g., 1/a, a-b, (a+b)/2, (a/(a+b+c))*100). As noted above, you may add other data series to this line before entering a formula.

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      EDIT BAR 2
    (a) Private Credit by Deposit Money Banks to GDP for Austria, Percent, Not Seasonally Adjusted (DDDI01ATA156NWDB)
    The financial resources provided to the private sector by domestic money banks as a share of GDP. Domestic money banks comprise commercial banks and other financial institutions that accept transferable deposits, such as demand deposits. Private credit by deposit money banks and other financial institutions to GDP, calculated using the following deflation method: {(0.5)*[Ft/P_et + Ft-1/P_et-1]}/[GDPt/P_at] where F is credit to the private sector, P_e is end-of period CPI, and P_a is average annual CPI. Raw data are from the electronic version of the IMF's International Financial Statistics. Private credit by deposit money banks (IFS line 22d and FOSAOP); GDP in local currency (IFS line NGDP); end-of period CPI (IFS line PCPI); and average annual CPI is calculated using the monthly CPI values (IFS line PCPI). (International Monetary Fund, International Financial Statistics, and World Bank GDP estimates) Source Code: GFDD.DI.01

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    Write a custom formula to transform one or more series or combine two or more series.

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      Now create a custom formula to combine or transform the series.
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      For example, invert an exchange rate by using formula 1/a, where “a” refers to the first FRED data series added to this line. Or calculate the spread between 2 interest rates, a and b, by using the formula a - b.

      Use the assigned data series variables (a, b, c, etc.) together with operators (+, -, *, /, ^, etc.), parentheses and constants (1, 1.5, 2, etc.) to create your own formula (e.g., 1/a, a-b, (a+b)/2, (a/(a+b+c))*100). As noted above, you may add other data series to this line before entering a formula.

      Finally, you can change the units of your new series.

      Select a date that will equal 100 for your custom index:
          Enter date as YYYY-MM-DD


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       BAR 1: Private Credit by Deposit Money Banks to GDP for Austria Vintage: 2022-03-23

       BAR 2: Private Credit by Deposit Money Banks to GDP for Austria Vintage: 2024-04-23


      Title Release Dates

      2012-09-24 2015-09-13
      2015-09-14 2024-04-23

      2012-09-24 2024-04-23

      2012-09-24 2024-04-23

      2012-09-24 2024-04-23

      2012-09-24 2024-04-23
      Seasonal Adjustment    

      2012-09-24 2024-04-23

      2012-09-24 2015-09-13
      2015-09-14 2024-04-23