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21,558 Series Revisions

Units Release Dates Observation Period
Index 2007=100 2021-05-27 to 2022-01-26 1987 to 2020
Index 2012=100 2022-01-27 to 2022-04-27 1987 to 2020
Index 2012=100 2022-04-28 to 2024-04-24 1987 to 2022
Index 2017=100 2024-04-25 to 2024-08-28 1987 to 2023
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Percent Change from Year Ago 2021-05-27 to 2022-04-27 1988 to 2020
Percent Change from Year Ago 2022-04-28 to 2024-08-28 1988 to 2023
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Index 2012=100 2022-01-27 to 2022-04-27 1987 to 2019
Index 2012=100 2022-04-28 to 2024-04-24 1987 to 2021
Index 2017=100 2024-04-25 to 2024-08-28 1987 to 2021
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Percent Change from Year Ago 2021-05-27 to 2022-04-27 1988 to 2019
Percent Change from Year Ago 2022-04-28 to 2024-08-28 1988 to 2021
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Index 2007=100 2021-05-27 to 2022-01-26 1987 to 2019
Index 2012=100 2022-01-27 to 2022-04-27 1987 to 2019
Index 2012=100 2022-04-28 to 2024-04-24 1987 to 2021
Index 2017=100 2024-04-25 to 2024-08-28 1987 to 2021
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Percent Change from Year Ago 2021-05-27 to 2022-04-27 1988 to 2019
Percent Change from Year Ago 2022-04-28 to 2024-08-28 1988 to 2021
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Index 2007=100 2021-05-27 to 2022-01-26 1987 to 2020
Index 2012=100 2022-01-27 to 2022-04-27 1987 to 2020
Index 2012=100 2022-04-28 to 2024-04-24 1987 to 2022
Index 2017=100 2024-04-25 to 2024-08-28 1987 to 2023
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Percent Change from Year Ago 2021-05-27 to 2022-04-27 1988 to 2020
Percent Change from Year Ago 2022-04-28 to 2024-08-28 1988 to 2023
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Millions of Dollars 2021-05-27 to 2022-04-27 1987 to 2020
Millions of Dollars 2022-04-28 to 2024-08-28 1987 to 2023
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Percent Change from Year Ago 2021-05-27 to 2022-04-27 1988 to 2020
Percent Change from Year Ago 2022-04-28 to 2024-08-28 1988 to 2023
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Index 2007=100 2021-05-27 to 2022-01-26 1987 to 2020
Index 2012=100 2022-01-27 to 2024-04-24 1987 to 2022
Index 2017=100 2024-04-25 to 2024-08-28 1987 to 2023
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Percent Change from Year Ago 2021-05-27 to 2024-08-28 1988 to 2023
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Index 2007=100 2021-05-27 to 2022-01-26 1987 to 2020
Index 2012=100 2022-01-27 to 2024-04-24 1987 to 2022
Index 2017=100 2024-04-25 to 2024-04-25 1987 to 2023
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Index 2007=100 2021-05-27 to 2022-01-26 1987 to 2020
Index 2012=100 2022-01-27 to 2024-04-24 1987 to 2022
Index 2017=100 2024-04-25 to 2024-04-25 1987 to 2023
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Percent Change from Year Ago 2021-05-27 to 2024-04-25 1988 to 2023
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Index 2007=100 2021-05-27 to 2022-01-26 1987 to 2020
Index 2012=100 2022-01-27 to 2022-04-27 1987 to 2020
Index 2012=100 2022-04-28 to 2024-04-24 1987 to 2022
Index 2017=100 2024-04-25 to 2024-08-28 1987 to 2023
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Percent Change from Year Ago 2021-05-27 to 2022-04-27 1988 to 2020
Percent Change from Year Ago 2022-04-28 to 2024-08-28 1988 to 2023
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Index 2007=100 2021-05-27 to 2022-01-26 1987 to 2020
Index 2012=100 2022-01-27 to 2024-04-24 1987 to 2022
Index 2017=100 2024-04-25 to 2024-04-25 1987 to 2023
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Thousands of Persons 2021-05-27 to 2022-04-27 1987 to 2020
Thousands of Jobs 2022-04-28 to 2024-04-25 1987 to 2023
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Percent Change from Year Ago 2021-05-27 to 2024-04-25 1988 to 2023

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