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44 Series Revisions

Monthly, Seasonally Adjusted, USCONS
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Thousands of Persons 1961-11-03 to 2019-09-05 Jan 1939 to Jul 2019
Thousands of Persons 2019-09-06 to 2024-08-02 Jan 1939 to Jul 2024
Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted, CEU2000000001
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Thousands of Persons 2011-03-04 to 2024-08-02 Jan 1939 to Jul 2024
Monthly, Seasonally Adjusted, CES2000000003
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Dollars per Hour 2011-03-04 to 2024-08-02 Mar 2006 to Jul 2024
Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted, CEU2000000003
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Dollars per Hour 2011-03-04 to 2024-08-02 Mar 2006 to Jul 2024
Monthly, Seasonally Adjusted, AWHAECON
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Hours 2010-06-04 to 2019-09-05 Mar 2006 to Jul 2019
Hours 2019-09-06 to 2024-08-02 Mar 2006 to Jul 2024
Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted, CEU2000000002
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Hours 2011-03-04 to 2024-08-02 Mar 2006 to Jul 2024
Monthly, Seasonally Adjusted, CES2023610001
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Thousands of Persons 2011-03-04 to 2024-08-02 Jan 1985 to Jul 2024
Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted, CEU2023610001
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Thousands of Persons 2011-03-04 to 2024-08-02 Jan 1985 to Jul 2024
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Dollars per Hour 2011-03-04 to 2024-08-02 Jan 1947 to Jul 2024
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Dollars per Hour 2014-03-07 to 2019-09-05 Jan 1947 to Jul 2019
Dollars per Hour 2019-09-06 to 2024-08-02 Jan 1947 to Jul 2024
Monthly, Seasonally Adjusted, CES2023620001
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Thousands of Persons 2011-03-04 to 2024-08-02 Jan 1990 to Jul 2024
Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted, CEU2023620001
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Thousands of Persons 2011-03-04 to 2024-08-02 Jan 1990 to Jul 2024
Monthly, Seasonally Adjusted, CES2023700001
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Thousands of Persons 2011-03-04 to 2024-08-02 Jan 1990 to Jul 2024
Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted, CEU2023700001
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Thousands of Persons 2011-03-04 to 2024-08-02 Jan 1990 to Jul 2024
Monthly, Seasonally Adjusted, CES2023800101
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Thousands of Persons 2011-03-04 to 2024-08-02 Jan 2001 to Jul 2024
Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted, CEU2023800101
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Thousands of Persons 2011-03-04 to 2024-08-02 Jan 2001 to Jul 2024
Monthly, Seasonally Adjusted, CES2023800201
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Thousands of Persons 2011-03-04 to 2024-08-02 Jan 2001 to Jul 2024
Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted, CEU2023800201
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Thousands of Persons 2011-03-04 to 2024-08-02 Jan 2001 to Jul 2024
Monthly, Seasonally Adjusted, CES2023800001
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Thousands of Persons 2011-03-04 to 2024-08-02 Jan 1976 to Jul 2024
Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted, CEU2023800001
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Thousands of Persons 2011-03-04 to 2024-08-02 Jan 1976 to Jul 2024
Monthly, Seasonally Adjusted, CES2023600001
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Thousands of Persons 2011-03-04 to 2024-08-02 Jan 1990 to Jul 2024
Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted, CEU2023600001
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Thousands of Persons 2011-03-04 to 2024-08-02 Jan 1990 to Jul 2024
Monthly, Seasonally Adjusted, CES2000000011
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Dollars per Week 2011-03-04 to 2024-08-02 Mar 2006 to Jul 2024
Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted, CEU2000000011
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Dollars per Week 2011-03-04 to 2024-08-02 Mar 2006 to Jul 2024
Monthly, Seasonally Adjusted, CES2000000010
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Thousands of Persons 2011-03-04 to 2024-08-02 Jan 1964 to Jul 2024
Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted, CEU2000000010
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Thousands of Persons 2011-03-04 to 2024-08-02 Jan 1964 to Jul 2024
Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted, CEU2000000016
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Index 2007=100 2011-03-04 to 2024-08-02 Mar 2006 to Jul 2024
Monthly, Seasonally Adjusted, CES2000000016
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Index 2007=100 2011-03-04 to 2024-08-02 Mar 2006 to Jul 2024
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Hours 2011-03-04 to 2024-08-02 Jan 1947 to Jul 2024
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Hours 2011-03-04 to 2024-08-02 Jan 1947 to Jul 2024
Monthly, Seasonally Adjusted, CES2000000006
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Thousands of Persons 2011-03-04 to 2024-08-02 Jan 1947 to Jul 2024
Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted, CEU2000000006
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Thousands of Persons 2011-03-04 to 2024-08-02 Jan 1947 to Jul 2024
Monthly, Seasonally Adjusted, CES2000000039
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Percent 2011-03-04 to 2024-08-02 Jan 1964 to Jul 2024
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Dollars per Week 2011-03-04 to 2024-08-02 Jan 1947 to Jul 2024
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Dollars per Week 2011-03-04 to 2024-08-02 Jan 1947 to Jul 2024
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Index 2002=100 2011-03-04 to 2024-08-02 Jan 1947 to Jul 2024
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Index 2002=100 2011-03-04 to 2024-08-02 Jan 1947 to Jul 2024
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Index 2002=100 2011-03-04 to 2024-08-02 Jan 1947 to Jul 2024
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Index 2002=100 2011-03-04 to 2024-08-02 Jan 1947 to Jul 2024
Monthly, Seasonally Adjusted, CES2000000017
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Index 2007=100 2011-03-04 to 2024-08-02 Mar 2006 to Jul 2024
Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted, CEU2000000017
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Index 2007=100 2011-03-04 to 2024-08-02 Mar 2006 to Jul 2024