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Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (US)

Name Release Dates

1927-01-26 2024-07-27

1927-01-26 2024-07-27
  Release Revisions 1 - 48 of 48   
  Release Dates
Release First asc Last
G.17 Industrial Production and Capacity Utilization 1927-01-26 2024-07-17
G.17.2 Retail Instalment Credit at Furniture and Household Appliance Stores 1952-02-06
J.3 Demand Deposits, Currency and Related Items 1960-11-14 1965-07-29
H.6 Demand Deposits, Currency and Related Items 1965-07-30 1966-04-13
H.6 Money Supply and Time Deposits 1966-04-14 1970-12-22
H.6 Money Stock and Time Deposits 1970-12-23 1971-04-21
H.6 Money Stock Measures 1971-04-22 1980-02-07
Current Economic and Financial Conditions: Summary and Outlook ("Greenbook") 1978-01-11 2008-01-22
H.6 Money Stock Measures and Liquid Assets 1980-02-08 1984-02-15
H.6 Money Stock, Liquid Assets, and Debt Measures 1984-02-16 1998-12-09
G.13 Selected Interest Rates 1996-12-03 2002-01-08
G.19 Consumer Credit 1996-12-06 2024-07-08
H.8 Assets and Liabilities of Commercial Banks in the United States 1996-12-06 2024-07-26
H.15 Selected Interest Rates 1996-12-09 2024-07-26
H.3 Aggregate Reserves of Depository Institutions and the Monetary Base 1996-12-12 2020-09-17
H.4.1 Factors Affecting Reserve Balances 1997-03-06 2024-07-25
Federal Reserve Bulletin 1997-03-27 2006-03-17
G.5 Foreign Exchange Rates 1997-07-01 2024-07-01
H.6 Money Stock and Debt Measures 1998-12-10 2002-05-01
H.10 Foreign Exchange Rates 1999-01-11 2024-07-22
Z.1 Flow of Funds Accounts of the United States 1999-06-11 2013-06-02
Household Debt Service and Financial Obligations Ratios 1999-11-09 2024-07-26
FOMC Press Release 2000-04-07 2024-07-27
H.6 Money Stock Measures 2002-05-02 2024-07-23
Discount Rate Meeting Minutes 2002-11-07 2023-07-27
H.6 Historical Data 2006-03-23 2007-01-18
H.4.1 Factors Affecting Reserve Balances (data not included in press release) 2006-04-07 2024-06-27
U.S. Foreign Exchange Intervention 2008-03-05 2019-09-19
Interest on Required Balances and Excess Balances 2009-11-11 2021-07-27
G.5A Foreign Exchange Rates 2010-01-04 2024-01-03
Commercial Paper 2010-01-14 2024-07-26
Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey on Bank Lending Practices 2010-04-20 2024-05-06
E.2 Survey of Terms of Business Lending 2011-03-21 2017-08-02
Charge-Off and Delinquency Rates on Loans and Leases at Commercial Banks 2011-05-24 2024-05-21
Summary Measures of the Foreign Exchange Value of the Dollar 2012-01-03 2024-07-01
Z.1 Financial Accounts of the United States 2013-06-03 2024-06-07
Mortgage Debt Outstanding 2014-01-23 2019-09-23
Currency and Coin Services 2014-01-31 2023-05-05
G.20 Finance Companies 2014-03-05 2024-07-25
M2 Own Rate 2014-03-07 2019-07-12
Federal Reserve Board of Governors Labor Market Conditions Index 2014-10-06 2017-07-06
Banking and Monetary Statistics, 1914-1941 2016-06-20
An Arbitrage-Free Three-Factor Term Structure Model and the Recent Behavior of Long-Term Yields and Distant-Horizon Forward Rates 2016-08-11 2024-07-23
Federal Reserve Board of Governors Labor Market Conditions Index 2017-07-07 2017-07-10
Seasonal Factors for Domestic Auto and Truck Production 2019-03-15 2024-03-15
Distributional Financial Accounts 2019-06-21 2024-06-14
Interest Rate on Reserve Balances 2021-07-28 2024-07-26
Senior Credit Officer Opinion Survey on Dealer Financing Terms 2023-06-22 2024-06-20
Release Revisions 1 - 48 of 48   

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