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Sticky Price CPI

Name Release Dates
2014-03-07 2024-08-14
2014-03-07 2024-08-14
2014-03-07 2024-08-14

24 Series Revisions

Monthly, Seasonally Adjusted, CORESTICKM159SFRBATL
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Percent Change from Year Ago 2014-03-07 to 2024-08-14 Dec 1967 to Jul 2024
Monthly, Seasonally Adjusted, CORESTICKM158SFRBATL
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Percent Change at Annual Rate 2014-03-07 to 2024-08-14 Jan 1967 to Jul 2024
Monthly, Seasonally Adjusted, CORESTICKM679SFRBATL
Units Release Dates Observation Period
3-Month Annualized Percent Change 2014-03-07 to 2024-08-14 Mar 1967 to Jul 2024
Monthly, Seasonally Adjusted, CORESTICKM157SFRBATL
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Percent Change 2014-03-07 to 2024-08-14 Jan 1967 to Jul 2024
Monthly, Seasonally Adjusted, STICKCPIM157SFRBATL
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Percent Change 2014-03-07 to 2024-08-14 Jan 1967 to Jul 2024
Monthly, Seasonally Adjusted, STICKCPIM159SFRBATL
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Percent Change from Year Ago 2014-03-07 to 2024-08-14 Dec 1967 to Jul 2024
Monthly, Seasonally Adjusted, STICKCPIM679SFRBATL
Units Release Dates Observation Period
3-Month Annualized Percent Change 2014-03-07 to 2024-08-14 Mar 1967 to Jul 2024
Monthly, Seasonally Adjusted, STICKCPIM158SFRBATL
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Percent Change at Annual Rate 2014-03-07 to 2024-08-14 Jan 1967 to Jul 2024
Monthly, Seasonally Adjusted, CRESTKCPIXSLTRM159SFRBATL
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Percent Change from Year Ago 2014-03-07 to 2024-08-14 Dec 1967 to Jul 2024
Monthly, Seasonally Adjusted, CRESTKCPIXSLTRM679SFRBATL
Units Release Dates Observation Period
3-Month Annualized Percent Change 2014-03-07 to 2024-08-14 Mar 1967 to Jul 2024
Monthly, Seasonally Adjusted, CRESTKCPIXSLTRM158SFRBATL
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Percent Change at Annual Rate 2014-03-07 to 2024-08-14 Jan 1967 to Jul 2024
Monthly, Seasonally Adjusted, CRESTKCPIXSLTRM157SFRBATL
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Percent Change 2014-03-07 to 2024-08-14 Jan 1967 to Jul 2024
Monthly, Seasonally Adjusted, STICKCPIXSHLTRM159SFRBATL
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Percent Change from Year Ago 2014-03-07 to 2024-08-14 Dec 1967 to Jul 2024
Monthly, Seasonally Adjusted, STICKCPIXSHLTRM157SFRBATL
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Percent Change 2014-03-07 to 2024-08-14 Jan 1967 to Jul 2024
Monthly, Seasonally Adjusted, STICKCPIXSHLTRM679SFRBATL
Units Release Dates Observation Period
3-Month Annualized Percent Change 2014-03-07 to 2024-08-14 Mar 1967 to Jul 2024
Monthly, Seasonally Adjusted, STICKCPIXSHLTRM158SFRBATL
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Percent Change at Annual Rate 2014-03-07 to 2024-08-14 Jan 1967 to Jul 2024
Monthly, Seasonally Adjusted, COREFLEXCPIM159SFRBATL
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Percent Change from Year Ago 2014-03-07 to 2024-08-14 Dec 1967 to Jul 2024
Monthly, Seasonally Adjusted, COREFLEXCPIM679SFRBATL
Units Release Dates Observation Period
3-Month Annualized Percent Change 2014-03-07 to 2024-08-14 Mar 1967 to Jul 2024
Monthly, Seasonally Adjusted, COREFLEXCPIM158SFRBATL
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Percent Change at Annual Rate 2014-03-07 to 2024-08-14 Jan 1967 to Jul 2024
Monthly, Seasonally Adjusted, COREFLEXCPIM157SFRBATL
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Percent Change 2014-03-07 to 2024-08-14 Jan 1967 to Jul 2024
Monthly, Seasonally Adjusted, FLEXCPIM679SFRBATL
Units Release Dates Observation Period
3-Month Annualized Percent Change 2014-03-07 to 2024-08-14 Mar 1967 to Jul 2024
Monthly, Seasonally Adjusted, FLEXCPIM159SFRBATL
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Percent Change from Year Ago 2014-03-07 to 2024-08-14 Dec 1967 to Jul 2024
Monthly, Seasonally Adjusted, FLEXCPIM158SFRBATL
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Percent Change at Annual Rate 2014-03-07 to 2024-08-14 Jan 1967 to Jul 2024
Monthly, Seasonally Adjusted, FLEXCPIM157SFRBATL
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Percent Change 2014-03-07 to 2024-08-14 Jan 1967 to Jul 2024