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Main Economic Indicators, Release Date: 2021-07-13


80,216 Series Revisions

Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted, LREM25TTUSA156S
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Percent 0   2020 75.6331292139444
Quarterly, Not Seasonally Adjusted, LREM25TTUSQ156N
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Percent 1 Q2 2021 77.1100291571247
Monthly, Seasonally Adjusted, XTEXVA01KRM667S
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
US Dollars Monthly Level 15 May 2021 52339585858.8768
Quarterly, Not Seasonally Adjusted, XTEXVA01KRQ667N
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
US Dollars Monthly Level 5 Q1 2021 146451698000.0
Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted, XTEXVA01KRM667N
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
US Dollars Monthly Level 15 May 2021 50754977000.0
Monthly, Seasonally Adjusted, XTEXVA01KRM659S
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Growth Rate Same Period Previous Year 17 May 2021 45.8002636276112
Monthly, Seasonally Adjusted, XTEXVA01KRM657S
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Growth Rate Previous Period 16 May 2021 7.92792240948692
Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted, XTEXVA01KRA667N
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
US Dollars Monthly Level 1 2020 512788730000.0
Monthly, Seasonally Adjusted, XTEXVA01KRM664S
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
National currency, Monthly Level 15 May 2021 58820971241067.5
Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted, XTEXVA01KRQ188S
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Percent of GDP 37 Q1 2021 33.7372974830576
Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted, XTEXVA01KRQ664S
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
National currency, Monthly Level 5 Q1 2021 169107562625174.0
Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted, KORXTEXVA01NCMLM
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Korean Won 15 May 2021 57040134985166.5
Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted, XTEXVA01KRA657S
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Growth Rate Previous Period 1 2020 -5.42831830875171
Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted, XTEXVA01KRQ667S
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
US Dollars Monthly Level 5 Q1 2021 151814740472.715
Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted, XTEXVA01KRA667S
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
US Dollars Monthly Level 1 2020 512685267970.60394
Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted, XTEXVA01KRA659S
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Growth Rate Same Period Previous Year 1 2020 -5.42831830875171
Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted, XTEXVA01KRQ659S
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Growth Rate Same Period Previous Year 5 Q1 2021 12.4127993604769
Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted, XTEXVA01KRA664S
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
National currency, Monthly Level 1 2020 603447731238736.0
Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted, XTEXVA01KRA188S
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Percent of GDP 9 2020 31.2039795607639
Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted, XTEXVA01KRQ657S
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Growth Rate Previous Period 5 Q1 2021 9.13664714514358
Quarterly, Not Seasonally Adjusted, KORXTEXVA01NCMLQ
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Korean Won 5 Q1 2021 163218660286559.0
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Index 738 Jun 2021 100.660234463303
Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted, CHECPALTT01CTGYM
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Contribution to annual inflation 17 Jun 2021 0.604475033135669
Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted, CHECPIALLMINMEI
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Index 2015=100 2 Jun 2021 101.352080128415
Quarterly, Not Seasonally Adjusted, CHECPIALLQINMEI
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Index 2015=100 1 Q2 2021 101.213079675327
Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted, CPALTT01CHM657N
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Growth Rate Previous Period 2 Jun 2021 0.0740345567180888
Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted, CHECPALTT01IXNBM
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Index source base 734 Jun 2021 101.1087
Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted, CPALTT01CHM659N
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Growth Rate Same Period Previous Year 2 Jun 2021 0.604470394383356
Quarterly, Not Seasonally Adjusted, CPALTT01CHQ659N
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Growth Rate Same Period Previous Year 1 Q2 2021 0.494460050222317
Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted, CHECPIALLAINMEI
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Index 2015=100 0   2020 100.664687803646
Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted, CPALTT01CHA657N
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Growth Rate Previous Period 0   2020 -0.725874933313371
Quarterly, Not Seasonally Adjusted, CHECPALTT01IXNBQ
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Index source base 245 Q2 2021 100.970033333333
Quarterly, Not Seasonally Adjusted, CPALTT01CHQ657N
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Growth Rate Previous Period 1 Q2 2021 0.690516459641367
Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted, CPALTT01CHA659N
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Growth Rate Same Period Previous Year 0   2020 -0.725874933313371
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Chained 2000 National Currency Units 1 Q1 2021 496737000000.0
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Growth Rate Previous Period 1 Q1 2021 -1.58595876705327
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Chained 2000 National Currency Units 0   2020 1958591000000.0
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Index 2015=100 1 Q1 2021 97.2131342442349
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Growth Rate Previous Period 0   2020 -9.84667051167981
Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted, GBRGDPRQPSMEI
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Percent Change from Year Ago 1 Q1 2021 -6.1384331368818
Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted, GBRGDPRAPSMEI
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Percent Change from Year Ago 0   2020 -9.84667051167981
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Index 2015=100 0   2020 95.8257437097248
Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted, IRSTCI01JPM156N
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Percent 1 Jun 2021 -0.028
Quarterly, Not Seasonally Adjusted, IRSTCI01JPQ156N
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Percent 1 Q2 2021 -0.028
Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted, IRSTCI01JPA156N
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Percent 0   2020 -0.026
Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted, LREM25MAUSA156S
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Percent 0   2020 81.7938304982062
Monthly, Seasonally Adjusted, LREM25MAUSM156S
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Percent 534 Jun 2021 83.01688028093
Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted, LREM25MAUSQ156S
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Percent 178 Q2 2021 82.9391266900905
Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted, LREM25MAUSM156N
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Percent 1 Jun 2021 83.2439807383628
Quarterly, Not Seasonally Adjusted, LREM25MAUSQ156N
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Percent 1 Q2 2021 83.152783942967

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