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Main Economic Indicators, Release Date: 2018-03-19


61,160 Series Revisions

Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted, MANMM101GBM189N
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
National Currency 0   Dec 2013 1278614000000
Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted, MANMM101GBQ189S
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
National Currency 0   Q4 2017 1708058000000.0
Monthly, Seasonally Adjusted, MANMM101GBM657S
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Growth Rate Previous Period 0   Nov 2017 0.325653615837903
Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted, MANMM101GBA189S
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
National Currency 0   2017 1708058000000.0
Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted, MANMM101GBA189N
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
National Currency 0   2013 1278614000000
Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted, MANMM101GBQ657S
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Growth Rate Previous Period 0   Q4 2017 0.96248023525587
Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted, MANMM101GBA657S
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Growth Rate Previous Period 0   2017 5.11481927080609
Quarterly, Not Seasonally Adjusted, MANMM101GBQ189N
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
National Currency 0   Q4 2013 1278614000000
Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted, SWECPIALLMINMEI
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Index 2010=100 0   Feb 2018 107.404805395532
Quarterly, Not Seasonally Adjusted, SWECPIALLQINMEI
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Index 2010=100 0   Q4 2017 107.188807797954
Quarterly, Not Seasonally Adjusted, CPALTT01SEQ657N
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Growth Rate Previous Period 0   Q4 2017 0.222567981122931
Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted, CPALTT01SEM657N
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Growth Rate Previous Period 0   Feb 2018 0.731760255495956
Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted, CPALTT01SEM659N
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Growth Rate Same Period Previous Year 0   Feb 2018 1.60760641791509
Quarterly, Not Seasonally Adjusted, CPALTT01SEQ659N
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Growth Rate Same Period Previous Year 0   Q4 2017 1.76505053464184
Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted, CPALTT01SEA659N
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Growth Rate Same Period Previous Year 0   2017 1.79449904665593
Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted, SWECPIALLAINMEI
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Index 2010=100 0   2017 106.491774734342
Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted, CPALTT01SEA657N
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Growth Rate Previous Period 0   2017 1.79449904665593
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Percent 0   Feb 2018 0.12
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Percent 0   2017 -0.0720833333333333
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Percent 0   Q4 2017 -0.059
Monthly, Seasonally Adjusted, DEUPROINDMISMEI
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Index 2010=100 0   Dec 2017 119.909464330623
Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted, DEUPROINDAISMEI
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Index 2010=100 0   2017 116.480844999581
Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted, PRINTO01DEQ659S
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Growth Rate Same Period Previous Year 0   Q4 2017 5.60357675111775
Quarterly, Not Seasonally Adjusted, PRINTO01DEQ661N
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Index 2010=100 0   Q4 2017 120.278313354011
Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted, PRINTO01DEQ657S
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Growth Rate Previous Period 0   Q4 2017 0.968937019093735
Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted, DEUPROINDQISMEI
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Index 2010=100 0   Q4 2017 118.802917260458
Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted, PRINTO01DEA659S
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Growth Rate Same Period Previous Year 0   2017 3.70176878871556
Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted, PRINTO01DEA657S
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Growth Rate Previous Period 0   2017 3.70176878871556
Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted, PRINTO01DEA661N
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Index 2010=100 0   2017 116.480844999581
Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted, LRUN64TTUSQ156S
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Percent 0   Q4 2017 4.15663191443844
Monthly, Seasonally Adjusted, LRUN64TTUSM156S
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Percent 0   Feb 2018 4.18884756634854
Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted, LRUN64TTUSA156S
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Percent 0   2017 4.40478747099714
Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted, LRUN64TTUSA156N
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Percent 0   2017 4.40478747099714
Quarterly, Not Seasonally Adjusted, LRUN64TTUSQ156N
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Percent 0   Q4 2017 3.95007047969823
Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted, LRUN64TTUSM156N
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Percent 0   Feb 2018 4.44563047302773
Monthly, Seasonally Adjusted, LRAC25FEUSM156S
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Percent 0   Feb 2018 75.2
Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted, LRAC25FEUSM156N
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Percent 0   Feb 2018 75.4
Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted, LRAC25FEUSA156S
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Percent 0   2017 74.9916666666667
Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted, LRAC25FEUSA156N
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Percent 0   2017 74.9916666666667
Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted, LRAC25FEUSQ156S
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Percent 0   Q4 2017 75.0333333333334
Quarterly, Not Seasonally Adjusted, LRAC25FEUSQ156N
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Percent 0   Q4 2017 75.3
Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted, USAGDPRQPSMEI
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Percent Change from Year Ago 0   Q4 2017 2.49404501223042
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Chained 2000 National Currency Units 0   Q4 2017 17271702000000.002
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Growth Rate Previous Period 0   Q4 2017 0.628109215775863
Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted, USAGDPRAPSMEI
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Percent Change from Year Ago 0   2017 2.25121023203632
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Index 2010=100 0   Q4 2017 116.828496011608
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Growth Rate Previous Period 0   2017 2.25121023203632
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Chained 2000 National Currency Units 0   2017 17092480250000.0
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
Index 2010=100 0   2017 115.616212039532
Units # of New/Revised Obs. Last Observation
National Currency 0   Q4 2017 467464250000.0

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