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Main Economic Indicators

Name Release Dates
2010-12-10 2024-09-16
2010-12-10 2024-09-16
2010-12-10 2024-09-16

2,635 Series Revisions

Units Release Dates Observation Period
National currency, Monthly Level 2013-06-03 to 2022-09-13 1957 to 2021
Rand, monthly level 2022-09-14 to 2023-09-08 1960 to 2022
Rand, Annual level 2023-09-09 to 2024-04-09 1960 to 2022
Rand 2024-04-10 to 2024-04-10 1957 to 2023
Units Release Dates Observation Period
US Dollars Monthly Level 2013-06-03 to 2022-09-13 Jan 1957 to Jun 2022
US Dollars, monthly level 2022-09-14 to 2023-09-08 Jan 1960 to Jun 2023
US Dollar, Monthly level 2023-09-09 to 2024-04-09 Jan 1960 to Nov 2023
US dollars, exchange rate converted 2024-04-10 to 2024-09-16 Jan 1957 to Jun 2024
Quarterly, Not Seasonally Adjusted, XTNTVA01ZAQ667N
Units Release Dates Observation Period
US Dollar, Quarterly level 2023-09-09 to 2024-04-09 Q1 1960 to Q3 2023
Units Release Dates Observation Period
US Dollars Monthly Level 2013-06-03 to 2022-09-13 Jan 1957 to May 2022
US Dollars, monthly level 2022-09-14 to 2023-09-08 Jan 1960 to May 2023
US Dollar, Monthly level 2023-09-09 to 2024-04-09 Jan 1960 to Oct 2023
US dollars, exchange rate converted 2024-04-10 to 2024-09-16 Jan 1957 to Jun 2024
Units Release Dates Observation Period
National currency, Monthly Level 2013-06-03 to 2022-09-13 1955 to 2021
Euro, monthly level 2022-09-14 to 2023-09-08 1960 to 2022
Euro, Annual level 2023-09-09 to 2024-04-09 1960 to 2022
Euro 2024-04-10 to 2024-08-15 1955 to 2023
Units Release Dates Observation Period
National currency, Monthly Level 2013-06-03 to 2022-09-13 Jan 1955 to May 2022
Euro, monthly level 2022-09-14 to 2023-09-08 Jan 1960 to May 2023
Euro, Monthly level 2023-09-09 to 2024-04-09 Jan 1960 to Oct 2023
Euro 2024-04-10 to 2024-09-16 Jan 1955 to Jun 2024
Units Release Dates Observation Period
National currency, Monthly Level 2013-06-03 to 2022-09-13 Jan 1955 to May 2022
Euro, monthly level 2022-09-14 to 2023-09-08 Jan 1960 to May 2023
Euro, Monthly level 2023-09-09 to 2024-04-09 Jan 1960 to Oct 2023
Euro 2024-04-10 to 2024-09-16 Jan 1955 to Jun 2024
Units Release Dates Observation Period
US Dollars Monthly Level 2013-06-03 to 2022-09-13 Q1 1957 to Q1 2022
US Dollars, monthly level 2022-09-14 to 2023-09-08 Q1 1960 to Q1 2023
US Dollar, Quarterly level 2023-09-09 to 2024-04-09 Q1 1960 to Q3 2023
US dollars, exchange rate converted 2024-04-10 to 2024-09-16 Q1 1957 to Q2 2024
Units Release Dates Observation Period
National currency, Monthly Level 2013-06-03 to 2022-09-13 Q1 1955 to Q1 2022
Euro, monthly level 2022-09-14 to 2023-09-08 Q1 1960 to Q1 2023
Euro, Quarterly level 2023-09-09 to 2024-04-09 Q1 1960 to Q3 2023
Euro 2024-04-10 to 2024-09-16 Q1 1955 to Q2 2024
Units Release Dates Observation Period
National currency, Monthly Level 2013-06-03 to 2022-09-13 Q1 1955 to Q1 2022
Euro, monthly level 2022-09-14 to 2023-09-08 Q1 1960 to Q1 2023
Euro, Quarterly level 2023-09-09 to 2024-04-09 Q1 1960 to Q3 2023
Euro 2024-04-10 to 2024-09-16 Q1 1955 to Q2 2024
Units Release Dates Observation Period
National currency, Monthly Level 2013-06-03 to 2022-09-13 1955 to 2021
Euro, monthly level 2022-09-14 to 2023-09-08 1960 to 2022
Euro, Annual level 2023-09-09 to 2024-04-09 1960 to 2022
Euro 2024-04-10 to 2024-09-16 1955 to 2023
Units Release Dates Observation Period
US Dollars Monthly Level 2013-06-03 to 2022-09-13 1957 to 2021
US Dollars, monthly level 2022-09-14 to 2023-09-08 1960 to 2022
US Dollar, Annual level 2023-09-09 to 2024-04-09 1960 to 2022
US dollars, exchange rate converted 2024-04-10 to 2024-09-16 1957 to 2023
Units Release Dates Observation Period
National currency, Monthly Level 2013-06-03 to 2022-09-13 Jan 1955 to Jun 2022
Swedish Krona, monthly level 2022-09-14 to 2023-09-08 Jan 1960 to Jun 2023
Swedish Krona, Monthly level 2023-09-09 to 2024-04-09 Jan 1960 to Nov 2023
Swedish Krona 2024-04-10 to 2024-09-16 Jan 1955 to Jul 2024
Units Release Dates Observation Period
Swedish Krona 2024-04-10 to 2024-09-16 Q1 1955 to Q2 2024

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